Changing Your Thinking

Thoughts are forms of suggestion. Thoughts play a pivotal role in the shaping of our perception. Our mental landscape is filled with ongoing conversations with ourselves which can either reinforce, or hinder belief towards our goals. This internal dialogue of thought shapes our energy and how we feel about ourselves, the actions we take on a daily basis, and ultimately the results we get.

Thoughts > Feelings > Actions > Results.

Stop and examine what you are suggesting to yourself on a daily basis.

Arash Vossoughi, author of The World-Class Wealth Mindset states, “If you want to know what you have been thinking, take a look at your current results”. You need to be asking yourself the challenging yet simple question that forces you to confront the gap between your aspirations and your current reality.

Am I getting the results I want?

If your answer is no, then you must reframe your thoughts. I have always remembered this quote I came across from Bob Proctor. He says, “when you decide what you want, your going to have thoughts come into your mind on why you can’t get it”. Have you ever set a goal or had something you wanted to go achieve, and then started thinking about all of these reasons why it couldn’t happen? I sure as hell have. When we begin to accept those negative thoughts and internalize them, we will start believing in them.

How do you reframe negative thoughts?

  1. Change your emotional state

  2. Repetition

Change your emotional state:

  • Be success conscious rather than failure conscious. Consciously direct your thinking towards what you desire. Direct your thinking towards why it will happen for you. Make these your dominating thoughts. Choose to suggest and internalize positive thoughts instead of those which include doubt. When you do this, you will begin to attract it.

  • When you start entertaining thoughts of doubt you immediately enter that state. All of your thoughts, ideas, and emotions will be in conjunction with that state.


  • Repetition is the formation of habits. When you consistently repeat an idea or a thought in your mind, it forms a habit. This is an essential part of thinking. When you begin to utilize the power of repetition you will radically change the way you think, believe, and act.

Start using these 2 tools on your goal. You will notice drastic changes in both the actions you take and the results you get.

Thoughts > Feelings > Actions > Results.